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Previous | Query returned 515 packages, results 501 to 515 | Next
xfce4-dict-plugin | | Xfce dictionary server plugin |
xhtml | | DTDs for the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language |
xhtmldiff | | Tool for generating valid XHTML redline documents |
xml2 | | Tools to convert XML and HTML to and from a line-oriented format |
xml2doc | | Xml to document formats converter |
xmlcatmgr | | XML and SGML catalog manager |
xmlindent | | XML stream reformatter written in ANSI C |
xmlrpc-c | | Library for writing an XML-RPC server or client in C or C++ |
xmlstarlet | | Command line utilities for XML manipulation |
xmlto | | Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats |
xmltoman | | XML to manual page converter |
xp | | James Clark's non-validating XML Parser for Java |
xslide | | XSL major mode for emacs |
xt | | James Clark's Java implementation of XSLT |
yodl | | High-level document preparation system |